Monday, June 16, 2008

The Therapeutic and Spiritual Secrets of Yoga Gurus

...a, and founded the 3HO (holy, happy and healthy). Sri Krishnamacharya taught the Viniyoga Hatha Yoga. His son, Desikachar, continued on this tradition. Obviously, this family was so into Yoga, as Desikachar's brother in law, who is B.K.S. lyengar, continued this tradition, too. Later on, they had so many followers. Nowadays, yoga masters are Sathya Sai Baba and Swami Satyananada (the founder of the Bihar School of Yoga), and many more.

Yoga evolution and development were systematic, and they depended on the time, believes, traditions and the place. At the beginning, Yoga goals were to understand the world and live in harmony with it, however, by time, this was changed and Yoga evolved to concern the world and the self, too.

After the sixth Century, Yoga evolved to have the poses and meditation as essential elements in it.

Modern Yoga based on five principles created by Swami Sivananda, and they are; breathing; exercising; relaxing; thinking and meditation; and diet.

Nowadays; Yoga is used as an alternative therapy, because of its healing powers, e.g. backache healing, headaches; etc, and this is supported b...more

12 Step Yoga therapy, As Easy As Breathing

...a day. You only need a few minutes and this will keep your mind and body healthy. The following is a series of yoga breathing exercises that will only take you about six minutes to complete and yet you will feel an improvement in your energy level. A word of warning, this exercise should not be performed by anyone suffering from cervical problems.

To start your yoga therapy breathing exercises.

1. Start by resting your arms on the sides.
2. Rotate your shoulders, first cloc...more

Yoga Tips and Tricks - Swami Ramdev Baba Yoga Tips and Tricks

...s. Swami Ramdev Baba is an Indian and now he is become so very famous personality in India as well and aboard. Recently they have visited many countries and share his view about yoga. Swami Ramdev Baba always insists peoples to bring yoga in their regular practice.

There are some important tips and tricks how to keep yourself fit with yoga. But it is also recommended to take expert advices in case you have some physical problems as it can be problem in some types of yoga exercise. Ramdev Baba has several offers their advice for free in their regular camps. You can also watch his TV program in the morning and in the evening. Read more about Ramdev Baba Yoga.

Yoga Tips Tricks
Yoga offer many benefits to your body, mind and spirit. If you have just developed your mind to practice yoga then first you should...more

beginning Yoga, Finding A Yoga Mat

...ther as a sort of gripping surface so that you do not slip or slide around on the floor while you are completing your yoga positions.

If you are wondering where you can find a yoga mat, you can be assured in knowing that there are many different locations that are available to you. Because of the incredible popularity of this activity, there are now more stores that specifically cater to the needs of yoga instructors and participants alike.

A good place to start would be your local department store or...more

Sivananda Yoga Video


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